If you are looking to build a good credit score and keep a check on your expenditure all through, secured credit cards are the best bet yet. Most secured credit cards require a cash security deposit and reduces the element of risk for the card issuer. For cardholders with bad credit, low APR secured credit cards are a great option to get their financial credentials back on track. Check out our authentic list below to apply for the best secured credit cards.
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Secured Credit Card Highlights
- The best option for people with no credit history or with damaged credit is a secured credit card, since they can easily buy a credit card with a security deposit.
- Most secured credit cards are moderately priced and on demonstrating responsible credit card behavior with respect to paying back debts, card holders can graduate to using other types of credit cards which are not available for people with poor credit scores.
- Top secured credit cards give card holders the opportunity to become eligible for buying unsecured credit cards.
The card ratings featured do not reflect all credit cards on the market, they are solely based on the credit cards featured on lowinterestcreditcards.com. All rates are subject to change without notice. For the most current APR check the terms and conditions on the card you wish to apply for.
Disclaimer: This calculator is intended solely for informational purposes and does not take into account all of the factors that might be subject to change. The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your personal financial circumstances is not guaranteed or warranted.