Frequent fliers know the importance of having just the right credit card to fund their adventures. In fact, aside from frequent flier miles, some credit cards even offer perks such as free baggage checking, priority boarding and bonuses just for singing up. So no matter what type of traveler you are (adventurer, diner, domestic traveler, and those on a budget) there is a card out there for you. Here is a look at some of the best credit cards and credit cards deals for travelers.
Fliers and diners
With its no annual fee for the first year and 50,000 bonus points for 4,000 dollars worth of purchases in the first three months, the Chase Sapphire Preferred card is an extremely attractive flier credit cards. It is also loaded with perks and incredible redemption options, such as using points to get a 20 percent discount if you book through the Ultimate Rewards website. Plus, diners receive two miles for every dollar that is spent at various restaurants and bars. If you also put an authorized user on the account, you get an additional 5,000 points.
Domestic travelers
Domestic travelers who have the Citi AAdvantage Platinum Select card also receive a generous amount of perks that are at their disposal. For example, double miles are earned on American Airline purchases, and 30,000 bonus miles are also given after making 1,000 dollars worth of purchases in the first three months. Add a free checked bag, priority boarding and waived annual fee for the first year, and you have got a card worth looking into.
Budget travelers
Budget travelers love their rewards, especially if it allows them to save a few bucks along the way. That is what makes the Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards Premier card such a nice option. Not only do cardholders receive rewards from flight tickets, they also get extra rewards when they book hotels or rent cars from one of Southwest’s partners. A low spending requirement for the sign-up bonus and 6,000-anniversary points are a great deal, however most people will probably want to take part in the Companion Pass, which gives cardholders a chance to bring someone along for free after certain parameters are met.
While there are many credit cards out there that specialize in travel, they are not all necessarily one-size-fits-all. In fact, everyone from budget travelers to frequent domestic fliers will be able to find the perfect card that gives them the exact type of perks that they are looking for.